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Marketing Focus – Getting to Grips with Social Media

There are a plethora of social media tools which are increasing all the time. The essence of using social media well, is providing free and interesting information which readers want to engage with, drawing readers into your online world and allowing them to make a connection with your company.

The fastest growth demographic among social media users is the mid thirties age group – a prime target audience for businesses. Here are the main Social Media tools which should be used to gain maximum online exposure –

Marketing Focus – How to delight your customers

Your customers are the best and worst promotional tool you have available to you.

Happy customers can become your advocates, spread the word about your company and give very powerful personal recommendations and referrals.

Unfortunately, unhappy customers are normally more vocal than happy ones and are likely to complain to many of their friends and family, giving you bad press. Now that social media allows every consumer a powerful and loud voice, it is even more important to make sure you delight your customers and give them a wonderful experience, no matter how big or small you are.

Here are some dos and don’ts for keeping clients happy:

Marketing Focus – The Importance of Networking

Networking is one of your key Costa del Sol marketing tools, and when starting or running a business here, it’s highly recommended to take advantage of the opportunities networking has to offer. The main benefits of networking are:

• Raise awareness of you and your company

• Allows you access to experienced business people to ask advice and get practical support if you’re new to the area

• Builds a network of trusted suppliers who you can turn to

• Builds trust in you and therefore your business

• Gives you marketing opportunities to give speeches, publicise your business via their website or newsletters and of course meet new people at each and every meeting

• Is a great opportunity to meet like-minded people and build your social network in a new place

Marketing Focus – The 80/20 rule

Working out where your profit is coming from is a great tool for increasing productivity

We believe that there’s no point spending money on marketing in Spain before you know how profitable you are, and where exactly your profit is coming from.This is why a technique such as the 80/20 rule is so useful…

What is the 80/20 rule?

The 80/20 rule is a helpful and simple way of identifying your important customers, your most profitable products and services, and the strengths and weaknesses of your business.

But don’t worry you don’t have to be great at maths….

How much should something cost and what does that say about it?

pricing strategyWhen you’re starting a new business or bringing a new product to the market one of the first things to consider is how much to charge for it.

The right pricing strategy is crucial to the success of any business. In its most simple form you need to define the boundaries between too cheap and too expensive – too low it won’t be profitable and too high and people won’t buy it. However, there’s so much more to it than that of course. The price you give your product or service will position itself in people’s mind as either the budget option, the middle of the road or the “quality” or the “premium” option so you need to decide where your product should sit in that pricing hierarchy.

Some clever people have made a fortune repackaging a fairly average product as premium and got away with selling it as more expensive purely through marketing. Stella Artois’ “reassuringly expensive” slogan is a good example of this. It really depends on your market and your consumer whether or not you can get away with positioning a product as premium, so do your research carefully before you take this route.

Marketing resources for small businesses

Marketing know-how in just a few clicks

As a small business it’s hard to find the budget to employ a Marbella marketing company such as ours to undertake your marketing activities. Of course, we believe its money well spent, however if you have the time and the skills to try to do it yourself, there are some excellent resources out there to help.

I always encourage my clients to take an active role in the marketing of their company and here are a few of my favourite websites where you can start learning about marketing techniques and find advice from experts on how to improve the marketing you are already undertaking.

Marketing Focus – Twitter

Back in 2009, a client asked me to research and write an article about how businesses can effectively use Twitter to promote themselves and I must say I was very skeptical. All I’d seen of Twitter up to then was people telling you every detail of their boring lives from being tired, to going to the shops, so frankly I didn’t think the article would be easy to write.

As part of my research I set myself up with a Twitter account and started to have a look around for business related information. To my surprise there was loads of excellent “Tweets” from businesses which linked to an informative article, made people aware of an event or promoted a special offer. I realized that actually Twitter holds great business potential and works in tandem with the other key social media tool, the blog, to expand your content and drive people to your website.

Marketing Focus – Costa Del Sol Blogging

What is a Blog?

The word blog is an abbreviation of web log, originally created as an extension to the online diary or journal. They allowed individuals “talk” to the world about their life or pet subjects, from their upcoming wedding, cooking or their favourite football team.