Raw food and healthy lifestyle in the spotlight in San Pedro
On Friday 9th of July author, plant-based chef and health and weight loss coach Daria Sanetra launched her new book “Your Emotional Belly Cure” at The Bookshop in San Pedro. Daria has been living and working in Estepona for the last five years, so it was important for her to launch the book in her local area and support an independent book shop, rather than simply sell online. The launch also enabled her to answer readers’ questions about eating raw food, a plant-based diet and improving their lifestyle and mindset for better body image and weight loss.
At the event the author explained, “I am so happy to launch my book and see it on the shelves of The Bookshop in San Pedro. I really want to put raw food and healthy living in the spotlight.
This book has been a labour of love, combining all that I have learnt over the last 15 years through treating my own health issues, travelling, reading, researching and consulting experts. Over the last two years I have pulled all of this information together to put all my knowledge and beliefs into one place and I am so happy to be able to present it to you.
I feel this launch is very much the start of my journey to educate and help people to find inner happiness and tackle health and weight problems. The book is a way for me to help women all over the world and spread the message of love and hope that there is a way out of bad body image and poor relationship with food. I’ll be providing readers with a Raw Vegan Planner to accompany the book, as well as health retreats at the new centre I am developing here in Southern Spain.
I hope this book and the activities, coaching and training around it will be the ultimate beginning to true holistic health and I can’t wait for people to read it and learn from it. Thank you for your support.”
How to start a raw food diet?
We spoke to Daria to find out more about how to incorporate raw food into our lifestyle and get the benefits, she explained that it doesn’t have to be complicated, or boring.
“Eating raw can be as easy as peeling a banana. Fruit is fast food. However, there is no need to feel deprived. In fact, the sky’s the limit as there are so many new options like raw pizzas, pastas, lasagnas, breads, burgers, salads, cakes, chocolates and many more!
How to get started? Well… I’m going to share some of the wisdom I learnt from one of my mentors some years back that motivated me to keep it raw as much as possible. It all started from this:
“Daria, have you ever wondered why eating primarily raw foods is viewed as a radical lifestyle by many people when there are roughly 1,800,000 species that eat raw food? Yet only one eats cooked food.”
So I’d say…
Educate yourself about eating more fruit and vegetables. And educate yourself about yourself. Knowledge makes us strong. Before you start any diet, it’s always best to research, so that you feel comfortable with what you choose and dedicate yourself to do it. Educate yourself about the benefits of eating a raw, plant-based vegan diet that eliminates animal products. Educate yourself about animal cruelty and environmental neglect. And once you start, don’t stop. Keep reading, keep studying and keep informed. Never stop learning. Your health is your journey and learning about your body and its feelings, its wisdom, its growth. And if we don’t grow, we die.
Take it one day and one meal at a time. Strive for progress not perfection. You have power over your choices and your reactions. No one can take those from you. Don’t forget, you’re the outcome of the 5 people you surround yourself with – choose wisely. If you don’t have the crowd around you that motivates you and supports you in your chosen journey, invest your time in reading books, watching videos, following people on social media who inspire and motivate you. And lastly spend more time connecting to Mother Nature – she has all the answers.”
What is Your Emotional Belly Cure all about?
Your Emotional Belly Cure is an in-depth guide designed for people who struggle with weight and/or self-love. It explains how to use diet and lifestyle to boost overall wellness, energy, and joy. In this book Daria shares the methods that helped her and hundreds of her clients to let go of the discomfort, stress, or pain caused by body issues while shedding those extra, stubborn pounds –and feeling and looking great. It combines Daria’s expertise as a holistic plant-based nutritionist, detox, and cellular regeneration specialist, as well as knowledge in weight loss and emotional eating and uncovers individualised reasons for holding onto weight. It also includes delicious and easy to make recipes to help readers to enjoy raw food, adopt a plant-based lifestyle, improve their health and reduce their waistline.
To buy a copy of the book visit The Bookshop at Centro Comercial La Colonia in San Pedro or visit www.dariasanetra.com