Marketing Focus – Consumer Behaviour
Understanding your consumer, what they think of your product, what kind of perceptions they have of the product in general and your specific brand and what makes them remember you in a favourable light is all crucial to marketing to them successfully.
Creating consumer interest and desire for your product/service is one of the main factors to success and is achieved largely by understanding consumer behaviour. Creating a marketing mix to please your target consumers is the goal, as it will positively influence the buyer's decision making process. To create interest and desire, you need awareness and one of the best ways to do this is with PR.
Basic consumer behaviour towards marketing:
• The consumer is interested in only what he wants to see, this is called selective attention
• How the consumer perceives the message in your marketing materials and advertisements is called consumer interpretation
• The consumer remembers only the most relevant and meaningful message, this is called selective retention
Consider organising a focus group, running a poll or doing a survey – the results might surprise you and change the way you market in the future.
You can read our full blog article here. |