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Marketing Focus – The power of a good blog

Marketing Focus – The power of a good blog

The start of a New Year is a great time to get motivated about your business and what you want to achieve in the coming months. It’s also the perfect opportunity to start a blog if you haven’t already! 

The word blog is an abbreviation of web log, originally created as an extension to the online diary or journal. They allowed individuals “talk” to the world about their life or pet subjects, from their upcoming wedding, cooking or their favourite football team. 

Blogs are now an important online marketing tool for businesses. They act as an excellent addition or alternative to a traditional company website, which are free and quick to set up, easy to use and rank very well in the search engines. 

Once you have a blog, you can quickly inform the world about company news, industry news and events going on in the local area. You can position yourself as an expert in your field and if they are well-written and informative they can be a great way of driving more traffic to your company website.

Thousands of companies have realised the power of having a good blog and here are some of the reasons why;

  • Provides an additional place to share your company news, information and changes
  • Drives traffic to your website
  • It’s a great platform to provide free, interesting information to your customers
  • A blog is free to set up and can be an extremely valuable marketing tool
  • Provides extra content for your social media pages
  • Gives you a place to share local and industry news and events with your customers
  • A great way to position yourself as experts in your field
  • It’s a cost and time effective way of promoting your business and services


Is a blog right for my company?

Many companies could benefit from having a regular blog no matter what industry, as there will always be useful, interesting information you can give your customers. You can also spice up your posts with pictures, videos and links!

If you have started a blog already but are finding it hard to maintain regular postings or you are stuck on ideas for content, don’t give up just yet! Blogs are great for customers to see some history in your company such as any changes, news and useful information. You can also help your clients and answer any questions they have about your product, service or destination. A well written blog that has been maintained for sometime looks good to customers in addition to your website as it gives a personal touch and shows an active business.

If you want to give your blog a boost for 2020, put together a list of topics and posts you want to write and create a posting plan for the next 6 months. If you have a quiet afternoon, write a bunch of posts together and schedule them up for the coming weeks when you may be busier. Take a look at past posts which may not have been shared, or seen for a while, refresh the content and repost, it’s a quick and easy way to generate new content. Georgina did Sarah Arrow’s 30 Day Blogging Challenge a few years back and would definitely recommend it if you want to get a new blog off to a strong start, or to remind yourself what to do and get inspired on what content to create. 

Customers who feel they have a connection to what is in the blog will feel a connection to your company so it’s an excellent way of reaching your customers in a more personal way. In fact, many companies go wrong with their blog because it is not personal enough, and sounds like another form of advertising.


Top tips for blogging 

Here are some main points to keep in mind if you want to create a blog for your company;

  • Keep it regular – aim for once a week if possible 
  • Make it interesting to your potential and current customers 
  • Write in a friendly yet professional tone rather than too corporate
  • Don’t just sell – this is a place to inform and educate 
  • Think about your search terms and incorporate these where possible


Shaw Marketing Services are experts in blogging can produce quality Costa del Sol blogs on a weekly basis for your company, bringing traffic to your website and social media and giving your customers free and interesting information. We come up with ideas for posts, write them in SEO style linking back to pages on your website so you can be found in search engines. We can also filter your blog through our own social media, presenting your content to thousands of local contacts. Visit our Marbella Marketing website for more information or call 952 903 154

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