How to Enjoy the Size HH Twitter Chat
As part of the exciting Size HH launch day on 2nd December we have a Twitter chat at 12.00 GMT talking about How to be Healthy and Happy with your body. Georgina Shaw will be interviewing author Eva George about the book and we’ll be talking about the important issues of health, happiness, weight loss and body image.
We’d love you to take part and join in with the discussion. Ask questions, offer advice, share your body image demons so we can help each other be healthy and happy.
To make it easier and more fun to be part of the Twitter chat, we suggest that you sign up for a free Twubs account and go to our page http://twubs.com/SizeHH.
On the Twubs page you will see all the Tweets being posted with our hashtag #SizeHH without being distracted by all the others! Plus if you want to ask or answer a question you can type right in there and it will automatically enter the hashtag so you don’t have to worry.
The Twitter chat will start at 12.00 GMT and last for one hour.
When you get there please introduce yourself and tell us if you’re concerned with your weight and regularly diet – it’s great to get to know each other and share.
Then we’ll start the chat with a quick interview with author Eva George which will last around 15 minutes to find out all about the book and her reasons for writing it.
Then there will be 5 questions all about the important issues of health, happiness, weight loss and body image and this is the time for everyone to get involved and share their thoughts, experiences and advice, so please chip in!!
When answering the questions, write the number of the question before your answer e.g. Q1 I think that counting calories really works and use hashtag #SizeHH. This is so you can jump in at any time and answer questions, even if we’ve moved on – Twitter chats are fast moving!
There is so much going on to celebrate the Size HH launch. There’s a Facebook event at 21.00 GMT and we’d love to see you there too. We’d also love to hear your stories of weight loss and battles with bad body image as part of the story sharing competition there’s a great prize to be won.