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Thank goodness it’s September!

Thank goodness it’s September!

Celebrating the end of the summer

I don’t know about you, but I am very relieved to have August out of the way! As much as I love living in Marbella, August is insane – too hot, everywhere packed with tourists, terrible traffic on the roads, no parking and everyone’s on holiday so you can’t do any proper work. I am sure it must be a great time to be on holiday and we certainly enjoyed Mallorca in full holiday mode, but when you have things to do and places to go you really don’t want to be stuck behind tourists on the road or in the supermarket.

However, I love September and October here and would certainly suggest them as my top months to visit the area. The weather is still lovely and warm and you can still sunbathe or go to the beach, but the intense heat that stops you sleeping at night has gone. The holiday mood still pervades, but you can actually get a table in the restaurants and levels of service improve massively as the holiday staff leave and the full-time staff return. Also from a work point of view, people are back and have their heads switched on again, so you can actually get things done. I can’t wait!

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