Celebrate International Women’s Day and Be Inspired!
Around 100 women are expected to attend the Costa Women and 1230 The Women’s Company International Women’s Day conference at Andalucia Lab in Marbella on the 11th March. Some tickets are still available for this full day event including eight wonderful presentations, networking activities and refreshments. This popular annual event leaves participants inspired, motivated and full of great ideas to apply to their business. It also allows small business owners to meet, network and share their experiences.
Topics from International Speakers will include; working with friends and family (Annabel Kaye), how to identify and attract your ideal Client (Caroline Balinska), Jackie Barrie (4x4x4 approach to website wonderland), Lily Yeboah (Improve your Personal Presence), Jane Kenyon (is Superwoman sabotaging your mojo?), Fiona Catchpowle (Be Socially Fit – Aerobics for your Social Media in 20 minutes a day) and Jodie Rogers (How to rock 2016). 1230 The Women’s Company MD Jackie Groundsell will be there running her well-known Speed networking session.
The event will be supporting AMUSUVIG Malaga (Asociacion de Mujeres Supervivientes de la violencia de genero) and Specsavers Opticas Marbella will be there collecting unwanted glasses for Lions Club International. Sponsors for the Conference are IBEX, Currencies Direct, The International Family Law Group LLP and Andalucia Lab.
Tickets are on sale via the Costa Women website costawomen.com or here for 50€ including lunch.