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Costa del Sol Marketing

10 tips for managing your time effectively

10 tips for managing your time effectively

If you run your own business you need to always make the best use of your time and be as efficient and organised as possible. There’s always a long list of things to do when you’re in charge, especially as a small business, but the...

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Marketing Focus – Defining your USP

Our article and video on marketing planning to overcome difficult times were very popular, and it's great to see so many of you taking a proactive approach and planning your way out of trouble. We've received questions about how to define your USP, and this...

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Herramientas gratuitas que te facilitan el teletrabajo

Estamos viviendo una crisis sanitaria global debido a la pandemia del coronavirus y en estos tiempos tan duros, muchas empresas para sobrevivir y evitar despedir a sus trabajadores están optando por el teletrabajo. Desde los inicios de Shaw Marketing Services estamos trabajando en remoto para...

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Brainstorming to reveal great marketing ideas

If you are stuck on a particular problem, looking to take your business in a different direction, or just want to generate new ideas and avoid becoming stale or tired as a brand, a brainstorming session could be just what you need. What is brainstorming? It is...

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