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Costa del Sol Charities


Arboretum Marbella, abre su nueva plantación de este año con esta plantación ciudadana y queremos compartirlo con todos. Es muy importante para nosotros que este sea un lugar de TODOS y para ello es interesante que te sumes a esta causa.

Arboretum Marbella es “El bosque para la gente” y por ello lo haremos entre todos !!!!


11.00 – Registro de asistentes y presentación del proyecto
12.00 – Cavar y plantar
14.00 – Taller de Nendo Dango ( y para los más pequeños títeres  educativos)
15.00 – Foto de familia ¡Misión cumplida!

Help Specsavers to help a charity this Christmas

Throughout December, all eight Specsavers Opticas stores in Spain are taking part in a Christmas charity appeal to provide food, clothing and gifts to children and families who may otherwise go without. All stores will be acting as drop off points for donations on behalf of various local charities.

Business Development Manager, José Ángel Moral-Tajadura tells us “Supporting charitable causes this Christmas is important to us with many families in Spain feeling the effects of the recession, not to mention ill children or those in care who need our help to have a happy Christmas. Our stores are passionate about their chosen charities and are all doing their bit to encourage donations.”

Specsavers Opticas in Marbella are collecting new and second hand toys for children with cancer on behalf of charity AECC (Asociación Española Contra el Cancer). AECC distribute the toys to children with cancer in hospital and at home in the Marbella area. 

Specsavers Opticas Fuengirola are collaborating with their local branch of the Red Cross and collecting non-perishable food and items for babies which will be distributed to those in need over the festive period. Required items include rice, sugar, coffee, pulses, milk, pasta, tuna, toiletries, cleaning products and powdered baby milk.

Plantaciones en Arboretum este fin de semana

Amig@s, queríamos invitarte a seguir haciendo algunas cositas en Arboretum Marbella. Hemos comenzado con la plantación el pasado 2 de diciembre y estamos a toda máquina en plantar ahora que tenemos lluvias. Queremos invitarte a que pases una mañana de campo y participes de estas...

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“100personas1000árboles” un gran exito

Más de 200 personas se han dado ayer cita en Arboretum Marbella para participar en la campaña "100personas1.000árboles". El objetivo, que no era otro que plantar 1.000 árboles entre 100 personas, se ha doblado con exito. Un día esplendoroso invitaba a disfrutarlo al aire libre y...

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Spanish Sun Christmas Present Appeals

Jan from the Spanish Sun is looking for help to give children in care lovely presents this Christmas, here’s her message:

The Spanish Sun has started it’s annual appeal to buy the children in care their dream presents for Christmas. This year the nuns have asked if they can also give us a list of children who are not in care, but the nuns know that they will not be receiving any Christmas presents.

We are asking local businesses and people if they can help. If you could do any of the following:

1. Help by selling raffle tickets for our Christmas raffle.

2. Donate a prize to the raffle, this could be a voucher to spend in your business, an actual prize, a bottle of something to go in the hamper we are making.

3. Buy a present for a specific child.

4. Make a donation towards one of the larger presents.

5 Buy some raffle tickets (This can be done via internet)

100 people, 1000 trees Tree Planting Event

Residents of Marbella are invited to participate in a very exciting ‘green’ project on Sunday 2nd December. Environmental charity Arboretum are asking for the support of 100 members of the local community to help plant 1000 trees and plants at their site behind the Marbella...

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Transition Town Marbella Meeting 16/11

Last week there was a really successful screening of the film In Transition 2.0 at FNAC. Over 50 people attended and it inspired us to get involved and start up a Transition Town Marbella Group. The screening was the first meeting of this group and from now...

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In Transition Update

The In Transition Conference last weekend was an excellent event, sharing all the key ideas of the Transition Town initiative and inspiring people to get involved and make their community more sustainable. There was a fantastic video presentation by co-founder of the initiative Rob Hopkins...

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El próximo 27 de octubre tendrá lugar en el Palacios de Congresos de Marbella la 1º Jornada Internacional sobre Transición, organizada por el Arboretum Marbella y el Ayuntamiento de Marbella. Con la participación de ponentes internacionales y nacionales que darna una mirada amplia y concreta de la situación de dicha iniciativa a nivel internacional, nacional y local.

La Jornada se desarrolla de 11 a 22 hs y se contaran con oradores destacados como Rob Hopkins (videconferencia) , Filipa Pimentel  responsables de las redes internacionales de transición por Transition Network, Juan del Río de la Red de Transición del Estado Español y la participación de transiciones locales como Coín, Fuengirola y Mijas, entre otros..