ARTivism and Making Real Change
On the 15th of October the Arboretum Foundation is organising three amazing activities to inspire and engage attendees in the importance of caring for our environment, being more sustainable and making a change. These include an ARTivism Workshop, a screening of the film A Quest for Meaning and an inspirational talk on Being an Agent of Change from Satish Kumar, one of the world’s leading activists and pacifists. The event will take place from 10am to 8pm at the C.C. Hospital Real de la Misericordia in Marbella’s Old Town and attendees can choose to attend all, or just some of the activities.
There is an ARTivism workshop from 10-2, explaining this powerful concept of art as a tool for activism and creating artworks which encapsulate this concept. ARTivism is art with a purpose, which can communicate environmental messages, inspire change and connect emotionally with the community. Teacher Emilio Mula will explain the theory and lead the group in practical projects to create works of art. Tickets are 35€ and numbers are limited to 20 participants.
The second part of the day includes a film screening and inspirational talk. From 5-6.30pm there is a film screening of A Quest for Meaning. This is described as the road-movie of a lost generation in search of wisdom and common sense. In drawing together the messages of an urban gardener, a cellular biologist, an itinerant shaman, and a singer-turned CEO, Marc and Nathanael invite us to join them on their soul-searching quest, calling into question our vision of the world.
Finally, from 7-8pm, Satish Kumar will be delivering an inspirational, powerful and thought provoking talk about “Change Makers and Conscience”. As one of the world’s leading activists and pacifists, Satish eloquently and passionately delivers powerful teachings on the holy trinity that we must follow for a positive future – caring for our natural world, maintaining personal wellbeing and defending human rights. Satish is a living example of ‘being the change you want to see in the world’ and he believes that individuals can change the world for the better. Tickets are 20€ and numbers are limited to 60 participants.
You can also purchase a ticket for all three activities for 50€. Send an email to formación@fundacionarboretum.org to request tickets.