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An Important Message from Cancer Charity Cudeca

An Important Message from Cancer Charity Cudeca

Cudeca bannerSupporting charity is very important to Shaw Marketing Services, so we wanted to share this message from the Founder of the Cudeca Cancer Hospice Joan Hunt OBE.

Cudeca really needs help to continue their special kind of caring – over to you Joan!

It seems incredible that 22 years have passed since the creation of Cudeca Cancer Care Hospice. Who could have imagined that at my age I would be part of such an inspiring and caring project? For me these years are the fulfilment of a dream and the best years of my life.

In 1992 palliative hospice care was relatively new to Spain and with the dedication and support of a marvellous group of professional medical personnel and volunteers, we created something very unique – which is Cudeca.

Those who have experienced our special care will know that it makes a great difference in a time of stress, preparing to say goodbye to a loved one. I have always felt overwhelmed by the confidence that you have put on me and our team. It is only thanks to your continued confidence and support that we have been able to give our special kind of care to 8.700 patients and their families throughout the Málaga province.

However, like many others the economic crisis has badly affected us; last year was one of the most difficult in our history when for the first time we had to seriously consider reducing some of our services. To help us continue we put into motion several measures, one of the most important being a reduction in the salary of all our staff; I also wrote to you to ask for an extra effort to help us survive. Between everyone you donated 25,235 euros –and together with the late arrival of a couple of inheritances, helped us to cover the expenses at the end of the year.

I would very much like to assure you that we have achieved economical sustainability, but sadly that is not so. This continues to be my main worry and once more I hope that you will help to support us as you are part of the LIFE of Cudeca. Every year even more patients need our care, this is why every year I have to remember you that we need you.

We have the need to ask for your support, because we want to ensure we are able to continue to give and care. Last year, in 2013, we cared for 100 patients more than the previous year: a total of 810 patients and their family were treated in their own home, and in Cudeca Hospice.

We remember with great pride that the vision of Cudeca Hospice owes its existence to the many who gave whatever they could afford, ALL ADDS UP!.

From my heart I am asking you to help keep our vision alive – GET INVOLVED, MAKE A DONATION, OR EVEN BETTER BECOME A MEMBER. However you can help, please remember that by doing so – ‘YOU ARE GIVING LIFE TO THEIR DAYS’. Thank you,

Joan Hunt, OBE

Founder and Honorary President



  1. You can make a donation by:
  2. Another way is to become a member by direct debit through your bank for the amount you decide via:
    • our web page www.cudeca.org
    • our telephone 952 564 910 from 9am to 6pm.
  3. If you are already part of the Cudeca chain of commitment you can also help us by sending this message on to others. There are thousands of families throughout the Málaga province that have suffered the effects of cancer; many of them know us and appreciate our care but there are others who don’t. If you know anyone who may help us please pass this on to them.


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