5 Reasons we love Email Marketing
Do you use email marketing yet? Are you wondering whether you should? We wanted to explain why we love email marketing and think it’s such a great tool for all businesses.
- Email marketing is a great way of engaging with your customers while promoting your business by providing regular updates about your business.
- If the newsletter is written correctly then it can encourage people to take action such as visiting your website, buying your product or contacting you directly.
- Email marketing is a way of drip-feeding information about your company and product to an audience who already have an interest in you, because they’ve joined up to your mailing list, met you via networking or done business with you in the past. The idea is that once you have a large database who are receptive to your message, that you should send them regular communication of a high quality so that one day it will hit their inbox when they have time to read it, were thinking of changing their supplier, or were looking for something you can provide. Basically you need to keep hitting them until they are ready to respond, ensuring that your company is at the front of their mind when the need arises.
- You can Monitor & Test – One fantastic element of email marketing is how easy it is to monitor. We suggest that you use a mailing company like MailChimp which can send out your mails securely, manages your data and complies with the latest spam regulations. It gives you fantastic statistics after each mailing e.g. how many people the email was sent to, the bounce rate, open rate, click through rate, forwards, what links people clicked on and how many clicked on each link. This is a great way to see exactly what people respond to and what they don’t.
- It’s very cost effective – There are free systems such as MailChimp where you can design and send your emails yourself with zero cost. Even using a marketing company to do it for you the ROI is excellent, because it’s such a direct form of marketing and encourages people to take action, book or buy and so it gives you a lot of bang for your buck.
If you’re doing email marketing but it’s not working for you as much as you’d like, try to vary your sending frequency, your calls to action, your stories and your design and see how people respond by studying your results for each mailing. This will help you refine your email marketing to get the best results possible
If we can help you improve or launch your Costa del Sol email marketing campaign please send us an email info@shawmarketingservices.com or give us a call 952 903 154. Alternatively, why not sign up to receive our regular email newsletter and see what we’re doing.